Secrets of Success, The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity by


Are you inspired by the Laws of Attraction-yet not quite sure how to use their power in your life? Well, you are not alone! This life-changing book reveals the truth about how your consciousness and energy really work in the world.


Its your full life force-not just your individual intention-that creates results.  This uniquely holistic approach unlocks your quantum psychology-the deeper vibrations of your thoughts and feelings-and offers the keys that will open you up to a future of abundance and joy,

You will tap into one of the best kept secrets-your connection with the presence and energy of spirit!  Learn how to sharpen your intuition and work with your divine experts, mesengers,  and creative advisors.  Discover dozens of simple ways to access the talent of the ages and align your own energy field with the driving force of the cosmos.  The world of endless possibilities is awaiting you.  Now is your moment of destiny creation!
“A masterful book — based on a profound understanding of how to play your energies to bring out the best within you, The Secrets of Success is aptly named. I recommend it highly.” — Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine
“Secrets of Success was so inspiring.  I want to take it wherever I go – like my own personal Bible.”  — Jennifer Q.
“Sometimes it’s impossible to capture the magnitude of a book’s messages within the few words of its title. Secrets of Success is one of those books, and one of those titles. Through fourteen laser-clear chapters, Sandra Anne Taylor and Sharon Klingler masterfully guide us on an expedition into the world of a spiritually-based science. Our reward for embracing the journey comes quickly through personal “ah ha’s” that range from the profound to the miraculous. Using a brilliant series of “self-investigative processes”, Taylor helps us zero in on the source of our life circumstances, as well as how to change the ones we don’t like. As we recognize the link between our personal world view and the undeniable facts of our lives, we also recognize the secret of fulfillment that stays with us long after we close the pages of her book. The bottom line: If you’re ready to move beyond the theory of how your heart’s desire becomes the reality of your world, this book is your action plan for success!”  
— Gregg Braden, New York Times best selling author of The God Code, The Divine Matrix, and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
“What I love about this book is that it really gets to the root of the unlimited field of potential-and it all starts within. Through quantum psychology, Sandy investigates how your past is energetically connected to your future. More important, she reveals some very direct ways to dramatically reverse the patterns you’ve been living with for so long, changing the very structure of your thoughts and emotions, the core of your life force. That’s the message here, and it’s one that so many books miss. It’s your life force, the power of your full energy-not wishful thinking-that really gets the results.
 — from the Foreword by Candace B. Pert, Ph.D., bestselling author of Molecules of Emotion and Everything You Need to Know to Feel Good