[dt_sc_h2 class=”hr-title” title=”Buttons”]
[dt_sc_one_third first]
[dt_sc_button size=”small” target=”_blank”]Small Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”medium” target=”_blank”]Medium Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”large” target=”_blank”]Large Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”xlarge” target=”_blank”]XLarge Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”small” target=”_blank” variation=”chocolate” ]Small Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”medium” target=”_blank” variation=”chocolate” ]Medium Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”large” target=”_blank” variation=”chocolate”]Large Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”xlarge” target=”_blank” variation=”chocolate”]XLarge Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”small” target=”_blank” variation=”coral” ]Small Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”medium” target=”_blank” variation=”coral” ]Medium Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”large” target=”_blank” variation=”coral”]Large Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_button size=”xlarge” target=”_blank” variation=”coral”]XLarge Button[/dt_sc_button]
[dt_sc_h2 class=”hr-title” title=”Ordered Lists”]
[dt_sc_one_third first][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”decimal” variation=”blue”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”decimal-leading-zero” variation=”chocolate”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”lower-alpha” variation=”coral”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_one_third first][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”lower-roman” variation=”cyan”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”upper-alpha” variation=”eggplant”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”upper-roman” variation=”khaki”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ol] [/dt_sc_one_third]
[dt_sc_h2 class=”hr-title” title=”Unordered Lists”]
[dt_sc_one_fourth first][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”arrow” variation=”ferngreen”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ul] [/dt_sc_one_fourth]
[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”rounded-arrow” variation=”green”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ul] [/dt_sc_one_fourth]
[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”tick” variation=”khaki”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ul] [/dt_sc_one_fourth]
[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”rounded-info” variation=”ocean”]
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit
- Praesent convallis nibh
- Nullam ac sapien sit
- Phasellus auctor augue
[/dt_sc_fancy_ul] [/dt_sc_one_fourth]
[dt_sc_h2 class=”hr-title” title=”Manual Lists”]
[dt_sc_one_half first][dt_sc_manual_list type=’type1′]
- [dt_sc_box]1[/dt_sc_box]Beauty Therapy
- [dt_sc_box]2[/dt_sc_box]Spa & Body Massage
- [dt_sc_box]3[/dt_sc_box]Hair Care
[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_manual_list type=’type2′]
- [dt_sc_box]1[/dt_sc_box]Beauty Therapy
- [dt_sc_box]2[/dt_sc_box]Spa Treatments
- [dt_sc_box]3[/dt_sc_box]Body Massage
- [dt_sc_box]4[/dt_sc_box]Hair Care
- [dt_sc_box]5[/dt_sc_box]Spa Stone Therapy
[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_manual_list type=’type2′]
- [dt_sc_box]6[/dt_sc_box]AromaTherapy
- [dt_sc_box]7[/dt_sc_box]Facials
- [dt_sc_box]8[/dt_sc_box]Herbal Therapy
- [dt_sc_box]9[/dt_sc_box]Goodness of Therapy
- [dt_sc_box]10[/dt_sc_box]Praesent convallis nibh
[dt_sc_h2 class=”hr-title” title=”Custom Font Awesome Icon Lists”]
[dt_sc_one_half first]
[list_with_font_awesome_icons style=”type2″]
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-leaf”] Created from natural herbs – Ginseng roots extract
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-heart”] 100% safe for your skin
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-shield”] Quality product from SpaLabs
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-user-md”] Created by Medical Professionals of Spa Lab
[list_with_font_awesome_icons style=”type2″]
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-fire”] Created from natural herbs – Ginseng roots extract
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-globe”] 100% safe for your skin
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-dashboard”] Quality product from SpaLabs
- [font_awesome_icon class=”fa-gift”] Created by Medical Professionals of Spa Lab
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